rev. 2-6-2010
Before: different boat, but same model, same sails, identical problem.
I admit it; I'm cheap. And I enjoy fixing anything I can, to prove I can. If I have to fix it though re-design, that's even better, and if the repair method is unusual... better still. I'm a tinkerer.
Before: different boat, but same model, same sails, identical problem.
I admit it; I'm cheap. And I enjoy fixing anything I can, to prove I can. If I have to fix it though re-design, that's even better, and if the repair method is unusual... better still. I'm a tinkerer.
The main sail leach on my boat had been falling off to leeward in a terrible way, as much in light winds as stronger stuff. No just an inch or so - a regular S-shape as much 12" to leeward. Another PDQ sailor mentioned that thicker battens had been installed in his main by a sail maker and had worked for him. Being cheap and willing to make a simple thing more complicated, I decided that tapering the battens by stiffening the back 60% with carbon fiber TOW (tension oriented weave or unidirectional fiber) would do the trick and not thicken them so much that they would not fit the pockets. After all, most beach cat battens are tapered. The draft of a sail is tapered - more in the front, and less as you move aft. And it was also a fix and improvement I could finish for the next weekend!
A simple job, really, easily accomplished:
- Sand the batten.
- Cut the TOWs to size.
- Laminate one layer of 1" wide by 11 oz. graphite to each side. Taper fibers to avoid a hard spot. I did this by ending the fibers about 6" differently on opposing sides.
- Sand lightly and add a second coat of epoxy.
- Sand lightly again, by hand, 220 grit or finer, to get any sharp spots.
- Epoxy again. Optional; I didn't.
I am still going to re-cut the sail. I believe I need to remove ~ 3/16" out of 2 seams, 50-70% of the way up. The "after" photo shows some residual sag. But the stiffer battens were a huge help on the sag and treated some vertical wrinkles as well. I will be happy until fall.

After: not perfect, but much better!
Note, 11-18-2012: In retrospect, I would go even stiffer, 1 1/2 layers each side. Durability has been fine. Well worth doing.
Note, 11-18-2012: In retrospect, I would go even stiffer, 1 1/2 layers each side. Durability has been fine. Well worth doing.