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Please leave comments! They help guide my research and they help me learn.

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Some connect within Sail Delmarva to related articles. Others take you to Amazon or other retailers. Yes, I get a tiny commission which helps support my efforts. However, the commission is the same no matter what you buy so long as the purchase is made in the same session, so I have no incentive to lead you astray. Please feel free to look around for the best deal within Amazon--it changes all the time. Heck, if you by a VCR it's the same. So there is no conflict of interest. A lot of my test products come from Amazon.

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A selection of sites I find useful or interesting. Windfinder and Windy TV are my favorite weather sources.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Drew, your latest post has a problem. It iterates (infinitely?) when the page loads.

    Good luck selling Shoal Survivor!
