
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Notice anything different this morning? It's the new sports car (Corsair F-24) in the header image.

But I don't expect too much on this blog to change. It will still be about projects, sailing, cruising, gear testing, and writing. I already have a project list over a page long, little of it vital, and much of it fun, stuff intended to make sailing easier or faster. In fact, my main reason for changing boats was to reinvigorate my writing.

In keeping with my prior boats I've stayed with basic principles:
  • Pick a well-known brand that is in demand.
  • Don't buy a project boat. You won't get to sail and you won't save money, not really.
  • Pick one that calls to you. Be practical, because the next person will be, but remember that sailing is about being in love with being there. If she calls to you, she will call to someone else in the future.
  • Maker her better over time. Fight depreciation. It is also easier to stay in love with a boat which is kept in prime condition.
So what does the future hold?
  • Some maintenance. It's a boat. Much of what I learned from the PDQ and Stiletto will apply, but there will be new stuff.
  • Some upgrades. But I have to sail a boat for a while before I understand the design well enough to actually make it better.  I like subtle upgrades, not bolted-on gadgets. I don't know just what she needs yet. But I have page of ideas.
  • Some cruising tales. The cruises will be shorter, I'm sure, and back to my gunk holing roots. My kayak will be coming along.
  • Some analysis of sailing technique and equipment designs. Always. A new boat brings new perspective.
  • Gear testing. Though only 24 feet, she is a sturdy boat and should make a fine test bed. She is well-built, not tender, and not afraid of a good breeze. The basic needs remain the same.


  1. Excellent! Good choice... I just bought the same boat! A 1998 F24 Mk2. I'll be getting a feel for her as you do, and following along keenly to your eventual upgrade ideas, for sure.

  2. Anonymous: Stay tuned, and I welcome your input!

    I've already re-rigged the traveler to a continuous line. I am considering reducing purchase, since 4:1 seems like overkill. 3:1 should be enough.

    I've added a barber hauler. All multis need one.

    But mostly I'm just doing fix-up and learning the boat at this point. She's fun!

  3. Looks fun, Drew. Congratulations.
