
Friday, September 7, 2012

A Labor of Love

Back from our 6th trip around the Delmarva, I've been reviewing notes, picking through photographs,  revising, and printing a new edition. Got to get it all down before memories fade. Busy, busy. 

I don't work on the cruising guide I maintain out of any illusions of profitability. It's sub-minimum wage work, I'm sure. The payment is just enough to focus m attentions, more than rambling blog. But it's been valuable in may other ways; its evolution introduced me to story telling and to writing, and led to blogging and magazine work. It's generated countless introductions. It gives me a reason to poke my head around just one more corner and spend the night in a cove I might otherwise have hurried by.

The new and improved Chincoteague town dock. It is no longer blocked by the a swing span with limited hours, a great increase in convenience. This was our home for 5 days this summer, the whole marina to ourselves.

I like that the whole family is involved. They point to things I don't see and help me to understand priorities different from mine.

Photographing photographing

It's not a project that has an end, not the way I see it. It has morphed to include stuff on fishing and kayaking and more on the Chesapeake. Maybe someday the title will change, maybe someday it will become two books, though I doubt it; all of it feels related to me. Like The Whole Earth Catalog, I'll add every tool I think a new small boat sailor (or cruiser or older sailor or kayaker or sailing fisherman...) might want or need to know, or would benefit, in my opinion, from knowing.A little arrogant, yes, but the reader can certainly ignore me when I'm wrong or simply overly opinionated. I would like to think I've learned a few things the hard way and that there is some value in sharing the stories of the lumps I've taken.

A kayak takes you closer.


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