
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Idea Drive

I get hooked on testing boating related stuff, On one hand, the projects sometimes become rather time consuming, but on the other hand, when I run out of projects I get bored, and my wife tells me that is bad.

A few of the things I have written about for Practical Sailor, not including follow-ups:
  • Gasoline additives--phase separation (none work)
  • Gasoline additives--corrosion (yup, some really work)
  • Gasoline vent filters--best adsorbants (silica gel lasts for years)
  • Gasoline vent filters--effect on corrosion (yup, helps, may be main factor)
  • Diesel vent filters--effect on corrosion (yup, helps)
  • Diesel additives--biocides
  • Diesel additives--corrosion
  • Wire Corrosion--1-year saltwater environment chamber test of spray and grease inhibitors
  • Sanitation hoses
  • Holding tank chemicals
  • Holding tank vent filters
  • Dehumidifiers and desiccants
  • Joker valves and chemicals (PG antifreeze lost)
  • Joker valves--field trials (Raritan won)
  • Glycols--winterizing, burst point, and corrosion
  • Glycols--biological fouling resistance
  • Glycols--engine coolants
  • Whipping twine
  • Sewn splices--strength testing
  • Abrasion resistant line coatings and chafe guards
  • Mildew preventatives, both coatings and vapor-type.
  • Water repellant treatments for canvas. Long-term.
  • Flexible window materials (Strata Glas etc.) and waxes. Long term.
  • Water filtration--filling the tank
  • Water treatment in the tank
  • Water filtration--final polish at the tap
  • Mantus chain hook and bridle
  • Anti-mildew chemicals
A few things that are in process:
  • Gaffers tape
  • Soft shackles
  • Battery and coolant top-off water
  • One-drop oil tests
  • Gasoline additives--anti-oxidation and gum
  • Diesel additives--anti-oxidation and gum
  • Dyneema lifelines and chafe
What topics are of interest? Test ideas? I do best when there is a chemistry angle, but I'm open to anything; if it doesn't interest me I will pass it along.

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