
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don and Steve Round the Horn.

 Cobb Island Lifesaving Station. Cobb Island, VA.  
Although this trip deserves and will receive better description, Don delivered the above documentary evidence of sailing around the Delmarva, nearly halfway by now. This photo doesn't really do the scenery justice, an old lifesaving station beat down by storms. Neither does it do justice to the feeling of elation at entering the harbor after passing one of the longer stretches of uninhabited and shelterless coast. The entrance itself is potentially tricky, moving with the passage of storms and not always marked correctly. The Coast Pilot suggest local knowledge, so it's a definite milestone. I imagine the sailboats that have visited this harbor--in the past few decades at least--could be counted on your fingers. Adventuresome stuff.

Steve and Don have sailed their Starwind 223 from mid-Bay, around Cape Charles, some 175 miles to get this far, and will probably cover close to 500 miles by the time they return. I expect some tall tales and fine photos.

The station about 80 years ago.
What a great way to start the season. They probably even got a jump on the flies!

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