
Saturday, January 22, 2011

When the Water Gets Too Firm for Sailing...

White Oak Canyon, Shenandoah National Park, with friends. I did get a small shiner from a falling icicle that tapped me on the side of the head, but overall, a very relaxing day.


For sailing, I wish it was warmer. For climbing, I wish it was colder. Just no satisfaction....
For the non-climbers, a few points of explanation:
  • The hands are leashed to ice axes, which are sharp and designed to hook into the ice very strongly. Generally, a single sharp blow in the right spot (where the ice will not shatter) is all that is needed, rather like trying to set a roofing nail with one strike. Well placed, they can hold 700 pounds each... or nothing at all when placed poorly.
  • The boots are armed with crampons, with sharpened points about 1-inch long. They are either lightly kicked or firmly placed where they can bite. The trick is to place them and then relax, without cutting your lifeline, the rope.
  • If the rope is above the climber, it is a top rope, like the local climbing wall. Good if the ice is melting and less than secure. Falling becomes casual.
  • If the rope is below, it is lead climbing. I have placed screws that can hold more than 2,000 pounds... if I have chosen the right place and the ice is good. I will fall some distance, perhaps 15 feet, until the rope catches. If the ice screw fails, I would fall past the next one; in this case, since the next screw is quite far below, I would hit the deck, about 40 feet down. It's best not to fall even the shortest distance on ice, since the crampons often catch, causing broken ankles.

Photographs by Dave Rockwell.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tip for the Day: Gycerin to Seal Inflatable Tender Air Valves

rev. 7-22-2024

For years I have been fighting occasional air loss; often I would have to pump it up every few days, sometimes every week or so. I tested it will soap (no bubbles except a few at the air valves) and sealed anything that looked like it might be worn.

Just a dab of glycerin in and around the valve seals reduces leaks for 45 days or more. It is very slow to dry, perhaps several months in the open and slower in a valve. There is no potential to damage any of the seal or inflatable components. There is no mess; any spillage washes off. And there are certainly auxiliary uses in the medicine cabinet.

Why does it take so long to learn simple stuff?


Yes, you can replace the valve assembly in quality inflatables. It's not that hard, but it's not trivial and  if the fabric is old it is possible the leak will be worse. When glycerine no longer seals your valves, it's time to break our the wrench and replace them. A special wrench may be required. The one time I did this, the plastic wrench came with the valve kit. Hint: glycerine can be useful for lubing things up, during the installation, but K-Y works even better. K-Y was invented as a surgical lubricant.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Stiletto Footage

Such a fun boat to sail. So easy and fast. I miss her... on nice days.

Vintage footage, from the original promo; So 70s.

Knuckle head sailing; lots of helm because the traveler is ridiculous... and yeah, I'm not so old that I missed the bikini:
And some more hedonistic stuff:

Of course, the PDQ will get, if the wind is up, but right now I'm stuck at home with a head cold.:

Only the last clip is mine; I shot it just because someone asked about wave action under the deck, up-wind.